Deng is Arrested, Accused to make counterfeit recruitment of Chinese in U.S Military

New york:- 51 years old Deng did the counterfeit recruitment of Chinese in U.S Military. But now he is arrested . He belongs to China. He made a Fake Unit of American Army and recruited many Chinese peoples in it. He gave them tempt to become an American resident. For that he took money from them. He took 300 to 450 dollar from each to do all that. But now he is in police custody.

HE also given a name to that fake army unit as "U.S Army Special Force Reserve Unit". He also provided army uniform to them. More over he took daily Parade of them. He also given them bigger posts like Commander and Supreme Commander. But for big post he earned more money from them. He also provided Identity Cards to them.

Police arrested him Tuesday. He is accused to made fake Government documents and doing Swindle. If Deng is found guilty then he could be sentenced to eight years. May be he was doing swindle to peoples for a long time.